Big Amp Score

I was nosing around in my buddy's storage room when I came upon a Stromberg-Carlson tube PA amplifier. I immediately relived him of the burden of posessing such a device, took it home, replaced the 2 6L6GC power tubes bought a cheapo Radio Shack 8 inch speaker for $20 wired it all up, turned it on. It works... O happy Day. Its kinda loud, no feedback unless I put the mic right in the speaker's face. There is a label on the back of the amp that says it is 90 watts. The speaker I am using says that it is rated at 100 watss/50RMS whatever that means. The only problem I am hab=ving with this is that when I crank it up and play loud, the sound kinda cuts out briefly. Am I overdriving the speaker somehow? This doesn't happen when I turn the volume pot down. There are som more tubes I want to try replacing. What else should I do as far as refurbishing this amp goes?. What kind of speaker combination should I get for it? All advice appreciated.



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