Re: overblows, was Same Old Thing

 alec@xxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
<< When I first stated listening to these guys I thought that a lot of their
 overblows stood out. In many cases, the music was so complex, that I never
 bothered to try to figure out what they were playing. Once I finally got
 around to figuring some of it out, though, I discovered that, in most cases,
 it was actually the regular bends that were sticking out more than the
 overblows. This takes us back to the "Ode to Joy" challenge, which I thought
 demonstrated pretty well how hard it is (impossible?) to bend a note to the
 proper pitch and maintain consistent tone and timber.
 Anyone else agree? Put in a CD of your favorite overblow player, figure out
 what harp they are using and then pick out a handful of the notes that stick
 out. My guess is that you'll find that more often than not, those notes are
 "regular bends" and not overblows. >>

i alluded to this...wish i had remembered the "ode to joy" challenge.  but 
yeah, "normal" bends, by even the best harp players still sound different than 
non-bent notes.  we are conditioned to think these are okay, because they've 
been with us for so long.

steven j gatorman

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