New Cds

  Speaking of new CDs... I just picked up a compilation called "Modern
Master - The Best of Rod Piazza - 1968-2003" on Tone-Cool. Included in
the 2 disc,29 cut set is a video and slide show - what a cool idea.Great
selections from an awesome player; I'd recommend it to anyone who digs
Rod's sound.
   On the subject of amps - Has anyone tried the new Epiphone Galaxie
10? All tube,10 watts,1x10,cost about $200,looks cool too.I'm going to
blow thru one next week at my local music store and I'll let you all
know what it sounds like.On the other end of the price spectrum,they
have some small Top Hat amps that look very interesting but I'm afraid
to play thru one in case I really like it, 'cause I sure can't afford


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