RE: Dying artform

Smo-Jo says:

>    I wasn't going to comment on this, but; there are numerous reasons
> why Chord & Bass (Harmonetta to some extent) are dying art forms.
> Bear with me


> 4...There are no less than 6 Chord players in the club. 5 are NOT in
> good shape. There are a DOZEN Chord harmonicas among them.

Seem to me, most of the folks interested in Orch-type hormonicas


> 10..Some fellows are "stripping" these things off of E-Bay. I know
> one fellow who has purchased about a dozen OLD 64 chromatics.
> (Everyone has been re-built). Apparently they can afford to bid high
> enough to get the prize. Either that, OR they have enough experience
> (and wisdom) at THEIR age, to know how.

64s are a DIME a dozen - nobody could significantly "hoard" 64s.
And chromatics are pretty "widely" played, harmonically speaking.
I'm more concerned about the others, personally.

> 18..Beings that the average age for a white(olive) male in this
> country is 78.5 yrs life span


I had *no idea* it was that high...
What's the average age of *working* musicians??
Is this at the root of the issue here? Is it that a whole generation wasn't
able to "hand down" the appreciation of an instrument?

> 20..I know a fellow who has 5 (count em-5) Harmonettas. 3 are NIB
> (new in box), still wrapped. He won't part one for any amount of
> money...Hmmmmmm

(when somebody ELSE could be SHARING all that beautiful sound)
I understand collecting & collectors - I have a great deal of respect for
people who collect, appreciate and SHARE their appreciation of a collectible
(by displaying it, loaning it to a museum, or USING it so others can see /
enjoy, etc.)
Sticking something REALLY SPECIAL in a dark closet to hoard it against the
day it can be sold for XXX times it's original value....

well, I just don't get it.

- -Scorcher

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