Re: Isopropyl alcohol

Jimbeau wrote:

> > From: "Wm.Galley" <mil-bil@xxxx>
> > What do you say about the use of "Isopropyl Alcohol" spray as 
> > a 'sanitizer' if someone, or you, borrow a harp for immediate 
> > use ?  bg

There is a product called "Sanimist" that is sold as a mouthpiece 
disinfectant for brass instruments that I've used, it works well and 
is safe (and even mint flavored!).

> I do use it for dis-infecting combs and coverplates, but I let the 
> harp parts dry out and air out so all trace of it has evaporated.

I wouldn't use isopropyl alcohol to clean plastic parts regularly.  
Alcohols will cause a leaching of polymers that will make plastics to 
become brittle and crack.  It's better to use plain soap and water.

- -tim

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