Cleaning harps

I can tell you what I do.  Whether it's right or wrong I wouldn't know, but 
my harps never suffer and definitely sound brighter next time I use them.  
When I get home I hold each one in turn, front and back, under a reasonably 
vigorous stream of lukewarm water, then tap out the water a la Hohner 
advice.  I then leave 'em on a tray to dry overnight (not in their boxes).  
I even do this with my wooden-combed Hohner MS harps.  No swelling noticed.  
The "older" type non-MS harps do have wood that I'm sure would swell, so 
maybe this wouldn't be a good idea for them.  I'd still chance a quick rinse 
though even with these.   And I definitely wouldn't do it to a valved harp.  
I find that if I do this regularly I only have to do that horrible 
dismantling/crud-scraping business very occasionally.  So there!

Steve Shaw.

Want more than the blues?  Try Irish!

>From: "michael morris" <michael_morris425@xxxxxxxxxxx>

>>What is the best way to clean my harps?

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