Aftermarket Harp Covers - was 'Hardwood Harps'

On: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 on or about 12:38:57,
> DL Terry asked, "Does anyone else offer aftermarket covers for  diatonics? (I know they
> don't affect tone; I'm looking for a better FEEL)"

To which Turbodog enthusiastically, albeit self-servingly, suggests, "How about the TurboLid, the 'Harp Cover of the
Future?' " See
At the risk of purveying too much commerical content, I should also add that the covers absolutely DO affect tone. 
There should be no debate about it. (Additional benefits and testimonials can be found on website.)

[This email message paid for by Turboharp, and does not necessarily represent the
 opinins of harp-l, affiliates or lackeys.]

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