Re: Technique Q. -- TB bend

Hey DL,

   this is something i've just been learning to do, so maybe i can help. 
just so you know, i still don't really TB on the 2 draw, though i can. i do 
it for the 3draw, however, since that first semitone bend is sometimes vital 
to hit fast, and i can't switch embouchures fast enough. so... first, i 
started with a low key harp. if you have something below G, i suggest you 
start there. start with the 4 draw of the harp. first, bend it with pucker 
using your tongue as little as possible. take note of your throat and how it 
constricts. practice hitting the bend clean, without dipping into it. now, 
put your tongue on the harp and TB the 4 draw. try to get that same pull in 
your throat you had for pucker (i find it easiest to try and hit the bend 
right on, instead of easing into it), and you should be near, but probably 
not on, the bend. this is where you start from. keep working til you get it. 
then try the 3 draw or 2 draw. i found it easiest to hit the lowest bend 
first (usually, i bend too far at first), then slowly ease the pressure to 
hit the other bends in those holes. so far, i've worked up to a Bb harp (i 
started with a low Eb), but i can't TB bend the 3 draw on higher pitched 
harps. yet.

others will certainly have other (and maybe better) techniques, but this 
worked for me.


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