Reading Music -- which sheets?

hi all, 

 well, it's the holidays again, that time of year i
try to teach myself some christmas music. i've been
scouring the net for sheets on "let it snow" and
"sleigh ride" and i've noticed that the sheets come
written for many different instruments: piano, voice,
flute, tenor sax, trumpet, etc. now, i know some of
these are transposing instruments (like the sax and
trumpet) and some sheets come with pretty complex
arrangements (like piano) and i'm wondering which is
right for the harmonica player? i've been using the
"voice" sheets. but i thought the flute sheets should
work too (they're in C, right?) -- but they're
 so... should harmonica players learn to use the
sheets of some specific instrument, or voice, or what?
(by the way, i use a diminished tuned chromatic and i
play all keys on the one harp. i read a little in C
and that's it, though Eb would work just as well).

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