Re: Speaker Time?

Hi Vince,

You don't mention impedence loads for either case. Be sure to replace the 
speakers with items of the same impedence. You can measure the DC resistance 
by connecting a VOM accross speaker terminals (if the impedence is not 
stamped on the speaker's basket), a 4ohm speaker will read around 3.2 ohms, 
an 8 ohm might read around 6.4 ohms, give or take an ohm.

Why not get the originals reconed?

1) Ideally the combined speaker wattage rating should at least be that of the 
amp (as you state 60W a piece). You may get away with a bit less wattage if 
the amp is solely used for harp but that's your money and your risk. Specific 
speaker choice is quite a personal thing and 12's are not necessarily the 
easiest speakers to get driving (is it possible to try different 2x12 
cabs/speakers, perhaps a bandmate's?). I strongly recommend trying before you 
buy. Is the amp a combo? If not, a new/different cab with 4 or 6x10" may be a 
better way to go (see for speaker wiring diagrams). Don't 
 necessarily assume that the higher the wattage the  cleaner the speaker, 
look for high SPL. Never turn on an amp without a speaker load attached.

2) I have tried half a dozen different new 8" @ 4ohm speakers in my small 
amps, my favourite is the Kendrick (around $70), not a totally fair 
comparison as the other makes were not quite in the same price bracket but 
the Kendrick delivered the goods.

Regards, Mark.

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