Opera Singers - Time-Warner Jingle

BTW, I like Opera singers; I just don't like having to perform with them,
or live with one either.

Did three sessions for a Time-Warner Commercial of "Take the time to smell
the roses" for their Cable company.  First was a waltz in F# Minor, then
another in F minor, then they had me back to play a fast diddy in F# Major,
I know, 6 sharps.

Today we went back to F Minor - I hope this thing sees the air, because I
am getting crosseyed reading this stuff!  Plus, I like reading in key
signatures, and this music has a sharp or flat on every note.  Enough to
drive you crazy!

I haven't dropped a note so far, but just wait.  The spot is beautiful
though; I wish my whole life was just playing this incredible instrument
and not dealing with all the business, politics, critics, agents, and
nay-sayers of the world.

Oh well, the money for Concerto playing is incredible, so I can always walk
away and say "next"!

Harmonically yours,

Robert Bonfiglio


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