TECH: HTML and attachment filter installed

Thanks to the efforts of Bob Zabor and Michael Roesch, we now have the
'demime' filter installed on harp-l.   This filter attempts to keep
messages to the list to be text only.  If a message contains HTML or
attachements, those pieces will be removed, while the actual message
text will be kept and sent out on the list.  

While we tested this feature before installing it on the list, it is
possible that some problems remain.  If your messages bounce or do not
seem to make it to the list, please send a note to
harp-l-workers@xxxxxxxxxx so we can try and work out any issues.

Thanks again to Bob, Michael and the harp-l-workers who helped with


This archive was generated by a fusion of Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition) and MHonArc 2.6.8.