stolen harmonicas

For what it is worth, I just wanted to let those who subscribe to the three harmonica sites listed that someone broke into my truck last night and took all of my harmonicas along with my cell phone, PDA, stereo CD player, and whatever they could grab quickly.  Diatonics and chromatics.  I had them in the truck all at one time which is very rare, but it happened.  I don`t think that I will see them on ebay or anywhere else, but you never know.  The diatonics are much more easier to replace than the chros.  I had all eight of my chromatics in the car...  There was 2 Toots Hard Boppers both with the Farrell lifetime comb, 2 CBH 2012's in Ok shape, a CBH 2016 in very good shape, customized by Dick Gardner, a customized 280, a Super 64, and a Meisterklasse Chromatic.  I don`t have any serial numbers on anything but if there is anyone who might see something on ebay or anywhere else, I would really appreciate any type of news.  
It is very frustrating to tell all of you this but, I know that the harmonica community is very close 
and I would appreciate any news that anyone might have regarding my stolen harps.  

More than likely it was some druggies taking whatever they could to sell but you never know.

Please contact me offlist
Roger Gonzales

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