Re: crystal elements

- ----- Original Message -----
From: <vince@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2002 2:06 AM
Subject: Re: crystal elements

> > don't like crystal didn't use them nor butterfield nor kim
> > wilson.
> >
> > tom in ct.
> By all means I am not being an ass
> But that's real funny... I like crystal elements in a few set-ups, but
> overall I agree that there not the best (w/ most set-ups today).. walter
> butterfield isn't around anymore (who knows what they would be using if
> were). It's not like they had a huge variety or the finances in some
> to get the "ultimate rig". Is any harp players actually imitating Walter,
> Wilson, Butterfield or any of the greats today?
> PS
> I personally think that's silly, several good players used crystal,
> dynamic.. whatever. I've heard a good tone come from them all. But I
> certainly honor your opinion...
> Vince Cheney
> The Blues Site -
> Winemaker's World -
> -------------------------------------------------------------------

To say Little Walter didn't use crystals is clearly incorrect, as he has
been pictured using Shure Slim-X's, which is clearlyn a crystal mic, and I
have pictures of him during the 50's at the Apollo Theater in NYC using an
Astatic JT30, and tho ceramics were available back then, the crystal was
CLEARLY the most popular mic back then until the Shure 55S came along
(supposedly the wprld's 1st dynamic mic, the one people seem to refer to
today as the Elvis mic).

Good players can get a good sound thru damned near anything no matter pretty
or ugly they are.

Barbeque Bob Maglinte
Boston, MA

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