Re: A fifth above? and a lesson.

> ------------------------------
>Date: Wed, 25 Dec 2002 23:57:26 +0100
>From: the Leones 
>Subject: Re: A fifth above? and a lesson.
>>works both ways, if you know the song key count up five half-steps.
>  Counting up 5 HALF STEPS won't work too well; vis: C Db D Eb E = E
>  Even if you DIDN't count the C; vis; Db D Eb E F, Still no-go
>  You must count up WHOLE tones; vis: C D E F G = G...this will do
>Sorry, but hat's also wrong. From E to F is a half step; the rest are
>whole steps. From C to G is just five steps, period.
>Glenn Weiser

  I know that. I'm saying that IF you start on a natural don't count the
flats(sharps). If you start on a flat/sharp, don't count the naturals. smo

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