Re: To use an octave device?

I don't think any of the things you mention are the problem.  I use a wall 
wart and it seems to work fine with guitar.  I also tried a friends OC-2 and 
saw the same effect (especially on low note bends)

>From: Richard Hunter <turtlehill@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Reply-To: harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx
>To: Harp-L <harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Re: To use an octave device?
>Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2002 18:42:46 -0500
>Chris Hammond wrote:
>"I seem to have quite a bit of problem with the
>OC-2 basically dropping out completely on a bend or on a low note.  If I
>stick to holes 3 and above it seems to track quite well.  I get a nasty
>cracking sound that occurs just as the note drops out.  Not sure what is
>causing this."
>In my experience, the likeliest cause of these symptoms is a worn-out
>battery.  Try replacing the 9-volt battery in the unit or switching to a
>wall-wart power supply.  Otherwise, it's pretty unusual for this device
>not to track low notes.
>If the battery switch doesn't do the job, I suggest that you try running
>a different instrument, say a guitar or keyboard, or even a different
>mic into the unit to see whether the problem is in the OC-2, or in the
>mic feeding it.
>Regards, Richard Hunter
>Turtle Hill Productions
>Harp-l is sponsored by SPAH.
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