replies READ THIS

Hey there is something screwy going on here.

Somebody has an automatic reply set up in their mailbox and it
is replying to the list. And each reply causes the robot to
reply again. We are gonna get spammed bigtime.

I've been thinking about this anyway.
Messages that go out on Harp-L should not have Harp-L as
a reply address. The address of the original poster should
be the reply address. This way too, if you just reply to
something in Harp-L, only one person gets it. Much of the
noise on Harp-L would go away if you had to explicitly
send your post to the whole group.

Hopefully someone will notice what's going on and disconnect
the embot or take that address off the list, whoever notices

This archive was generated by a fusion of Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition) and MHonArc 2.6.8.