Re: "Block one" (was Prewar overblows)
From: HAAndruss@xxxxxxx (Harvey Andruss)
At 1:11 AM 6/16/95 Thomas Hinkle wrote:
>It seems to me that the problem may simply be getting my
>lips around five holes. How do you guys make the stretch. Have any of
>you ever been stuck trying to do this? What did you do to overcome?
Tom, have you tried to place it back much farther in the mouth? FWIW my
practical limit is 3 holes presently, but others probably can do more
they know how to really jam it back and grab those outer notes with their
lips. Genetics probably helps ;-)
John T, Chris M and others have tried to coach me off-list on playing
fifths by blocking single-notes and this alternating bird chip thing that
Kim and Winslow brought up -- I just can't seem to get my tongue to place
~small enough~ over the holes with any consistency. If I missed it last
time it was discussed, go ahead and point me back to the archives :-)
Also, I can role my tongue and have had some recent success capturing the
single note in the middle, but the rapid playing technique is a problem
since I can't seem to move my ~rolled~ tongue very fast -- actually, for
me, moving the harp works better, or at least is easier. Any further
pointers would be appreciated (~either side~ TB is OK, BTW).
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