Re: 4th and 5th position recordings?
I believe Azul para Amparo on The Harmonica According to Charlie
Musselwhite is in 5th position. At least, it's easiest for me to play it
in 5th :-)
On Tue, 13 Jun 1995, Steven Levine wrote:
> I'm looking for recordings (preferably blues) that feature 4th and 5th
> position harp playing. I have Steve Baker's book (which describes the
> scales and theory of 4th and 5th) and I've read a lot on harp-l about
> positions but I have troulbe actually learning a position without hearing
> it and being able to play along with it. So if any of you could list some
> to listen to I'd appreciate it.
> Thanks,
> Steve
> *************
> Steve Levine "If you don't love the blues you must have a
> slevine@xxxxxxxxxx hole in your soul."
> ******************* -Jimmy Rogers
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