Harp-l tape

<Maybe one person on the list in the USA could handle the money and 
<sending the tapes?  With banks charging a bundle to convert dollars to 
<pounds, it might make more sense if enough of us are sending tapes and/or 
<wish to get a copy.

< -- mike

Maybe we could even make this easier yet. What if the USA person took
on the task of taking the 5 minute contributions and putting them on
a single tape or two and sending that to Steve Jennings? If we knew
the cost of a tape we could send enough money in pounds sterling to
Steve so he could just purchase the blank tapes, copy the stuff to them
and send them out.  The USA person could take all the $ USA for the tapes
and convert them to sterling. Of course if I keep going I'm going to say
something like: If there are more USA people than UK people maybe we 
should make the tape and send it to Steve! But I didn't say that.   

I have a dual deck casette recorder, nothing fancy, but I could copy
the 5 minutes to one or two tapes. I'd be willing to do that and let
someone else worry with the pounds sterling. The last time I messed 
with that no one was happy except the bank. 


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