Re: harp preference
Who on the list has had a Lee OsKar rust on them?? Please let's settle
this point. I ride them hard and put them away wet, and NO RUST. I wear a
vest with 12 harmonicas in it and used to be a little embarrassed about
the ugly rusty things. LO's have not rusted on me yet and I have had some
of them in my collection for the last 3 incarnations of the vest.
I repeat. If anyone has seen a Lee Oskar coverplate (or Major Boy) rust.
I would like to know.
Rick Epping says Hohner is aware of the problem and is looking into an
improved alloy for their coverplates.
I have not yet learned the notorious overblow technique yet. However, I
love making that irritating squeal to make my dog whine. It seems to be
of too high a frequency to pick up well on my mic/amp setup.
HARMONICA JOHN San Diego PO Box 740613 SD CA 92174 (619)263-6826
God, family, music, fishing, work. Can blue men play the whites?
On Thu, 1 Jun 1995, Christian N Michalek wrote:
> > I have played them all and settled on Lee Oscars(Tombo) because
> > all other things being relatively equal with special 20's and Golden
> > Melody's(my former favorite) LO's do not rust. I hate the taste of rust.
> > Marine Band combs have a tendency to swell up and used to tear my
> > lips up. I still haven't found a harmonica that will allow me to
> All harmonicas rust if not properly taken care of. I like the Oskars,
> but they have one serious disadvantage over the hohners...the thinner
> reeds in the Oskars(BTW it is spelled oskar not oscar) do not hold up
> well under the pressure of overblows. On Oskars and huangs, there is a
> high picthed whine that is very annoying. The harmonica can be tweaked
> to get most of that squeal out but I have never been able to get it all out.
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