You got to help me
Hi all,
Our compuserve bill is running at about L70 a month & we only use it for harp-l,
no surfing. Norman & I have been haveing long dissucsions as to the pro's and
con's of Email for us as a buisness. I am doing a number of things to bring the
bill down, what would be better would be to bring the return up but then you
cant make a person buy a thing if they don't want to. Also a lot of our products
can be brought cheaper in the usa than here, though that is changing Lee Oskars
are now more expencive in the usa than here in the UK. The dollar and the yen
and all that.
At the moment I am bining a lot of the mail unread to try and keep the bill
down, it is no cheaper to to use the digest service. If you want me/us to read a
harp Lpost will you please put DA in the first part of the subject header and
that way I will know that it is something I should read.
The auction has gone well and I would like to say thank you to all of you who
helped. The money will all be going to help young folks learn the harmonica at
no cost to themselves.
, If you have donated a lot and havent heard from me as to where it should be
sent then please be in touch. Also if yours was a winning bid and you haven't
heard from me then again could you please be in touch.
There are a number of lots which had no bid on them at all and I will be
offering these on a first bid gets it system when I have the others sorted out,
It is proving a little more complexted to sort out than I had thought and so it
is taking longer.
If you want one of our catalogues then post us off line or if you don't have
our address ( compuserve 100552,2636) then head your post catalogue then others
will not have to pay to down load it if you have posted this to the net and not
us at home.
Thank you all in advance for your help and understanding in this- David @
Norman's Harmonica Centre
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