Nightmare guitarist

  Well,  I've read a number of the complaints lodged against guitarist
when I realized I've just rid myself of the most bizarre guitarist .
 I called this punk rock guitarist to play some Howlin Wolf tunes
at a Howlin Wolf B-Day party I put together at a club.  Eventually a blues
punk band came of when we added a rhythmn section.  After one successful
gig our drummer moved to Washington DC;  Our guitarist set it up so
we flew our drummer in for gigs and marathon recording sessions.  This resulted
 in many records on small-indie labels  and cram session in the studio.
Even though I was vocalist and principal soloist, as the band continued I
couldn't get my songs to be recorded.  We started doing more punk tunes
and less country blues.  So even though I travelled to Seattle twice to play
and Chicago once, I quit the group.  Possibly throwing away chances to go to
Australia and Japan.
      Recently I did a session with a tremendous guitarist, a grammy nominee,
as a matter of fact, and I was calling the shots.  Amazing how with one player
your ideas stink, but with another you're the boss
        jeff in austin

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