Video instruction

Hi all!

A few members of my old band are regrouping (me included) and we plan 
to gig soon.  Our sound is rock with a couple 1/4/5-type blues jams. 
My harps have gotten pretty dusty since I gigged last summer and my 
harp technique could use some brushing up.  I really want to get out
of my "playing the same old licks" rut and I need *very badly* to
get my vibrato technique and tone down to playing like second nature.
I'm a cross-harp pucker player if that matters.

I thought it would be a good idea to invest in one of the instructional
videos I've seen posted here.  Could anyone recommend which one would
be best for me?  I thought maybe the Howard Levy video.  I'd prefer a
video but if not, any recommendations for instructional cassettes for me?


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