Re: Dave Barry continued

Thanks for the suggestion to commend Mr. Barry on behalf of harmonica players
everywhere.  SPAH would be happy to be part of such a recognition of
assistance in public awareness.  Help me find him and we'll get a letter
right off to him, E-mail or otherwise.  

The Society for the Preservation and Advancement of the Harmonica.
  ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____
 |\____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____\    Bob Williams
  \|____|_]_]_]_]_]_]_]_]_]_]__ _|   HarpSPAH@xxxxxxx

P.S.- You know us harmonica players should start a new conversion standard in
lieu of "football fields."  I really think we should say things like "From
Venus to Mars is about the same as 12,000,000,000 Chords", or diatonics, or
little ladies, whatever.  Let's describe everything in the universe with dimen
sions based on these three measurements.  Instead of BASE TEN, we'de call it
BASS HARP.  What do you think?  Any way we can extrapolate this into
harmoniinfinity or maybe harmoniinsanity?

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