Re: Canadian Howard Levy

>This morning the Canadian Broadcasting Corp broadcast a story on their 
>Sunday Morning show about a Canadian who got an arts grant to study jazz 
>harp with Howard Levy.  This guy had won at a 1993 German competition, 
>Best Blues and Jazz Harp Player in the World--and this guy was goooood!   
His name is Carlos del Junco (pronounced "del Hoonko"). He lives in
Toronto and plays there regularly. He will be playing in Ottawa the last
week of February at the Rainbow. He's a super guy. We went to Howard's
last workshop at Augusta in '92 (we were the Canadian contingent I guess :). 
I'm sure he'll be thrilled to find out he made the Harp-l. Do him a bigger
favor and buy his cd that is advertised in Kevin's catalogue. It's delta
but the harp work is great. The guitarist is the late Bill Kinnear who
died recently. He was a great guy too. He will be missed. Anyway,
I'm starting a new job at the soon to be open CyberPerk cafe in Ottawa,
where I will hopefully have my very own Web page. If so, there will be plenty 
of cool links and a sound bite of Carlos' stuff (with his permission of
Here's one last tidbit on Carlos: I have witnessed him play Ornithology
convincingly on a diatonic (The whole song not just the first 8 bars!!).
This man is very talented and knows his harmonica. 

more later,
Frank Scanga
-See you at the show Chris :)


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