Re: Hot Rod... (Thanks to Elliott)

Elliott New wrote...

>(Note: This is kinda long.  Sorry.)
>I've finally had a chance to take a good look inside that Hot Rod/Crystal
>Balls mic.  In talking to Kevin at Kevin's harps, this mic might be
>a straight Hot Rod and not a hybrid like I thought.  I haven't talked
>to my friend again about it, but Kevin said that the yellow colored
>mics are Hot Rods and that all the Crystal balls are silver-green (like
>an old JT-30).  Anyway, here's what I found...

See "Hot Rod -- Crystal Balls Mic (LONG)" 13-Feb-1995 for lots of good stuff!

Re: Thanks for Elliot's work

>>I think Elliot deserves a hand, for a lot of work, and a clear, 
>>descriptive post.  That's the kind of information harp people can use and 
>>I for one appreciate it.

>>Perhaps the various harp publications could do more of this sort of 
>>thing.  So far I've seen comparisons (which are so useful when trying to 
>>spend hard-earned $$$), only on this list and in Kevin's catalog (which 
>>ran a three-part series not too long ago).  This is something the guitar 
>>players get in their mags, why not ours?
>>=============================Hats off to Elliot. Thanks and good job. 
>>Everyone should print that out and
>>put it in their harp stuff folder.
>>Thanks,  Tim

I third the motion - I'm not a techie (Not your kind anyway) - but I enjoy 
reading this stuff, and I think it's good info for short harpers. As Norbert 
states - "Perhaps the various harp publications could do more of this sort of 
thing". Well, some of us on this list are publisher types (Harmonica 
Newsletters, etc.) and in a position to do something.

So, If Elliott gives his permisssion - those  of us who are willing, could put 
this in our respective publications. Your blanket approval would reach six 
editors on HARP-L that I can think of off hand. Further, I suggest you submit 
this to Al Eichler at American Harmonica Newsletter. 

       Jack Ely - Columbus, Ohio  --Internet--> IMS_ELY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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