C dorian

Danny Wilson wrote:
>But,to get back to the subject, the really neat upshot is the various
>possibilities that result:  Would you like to have a Dorian harp without
>retuning any reeds?  For a C Dorian, put a C Major blow reed plate and a Gm
>Natural Minor draw plate together - just that simple!  Same pattern of
>course, for any Dorian key.


Maybe I missed something, please tell me and others.  What you wrote here
doesn't make sense and I hope that I didnt' take it out of context.

"C dorian" is in the key of two flats, which is Bb major or G minor.
When you install the reed plates as you mentioned, you get the following:

hole  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
BLOW  C  E  G  C  E  G  C  E  G  C
DRAW  A  D  F  A  C  Eb F  A  C  Eb

In this case, the draw reeds are lower than the blow reeds, so no draw
bends would be possible.  

What did I miss?


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