Re: The Pilsbury Dough Boy Speaks

On Thu, 2 Feb 1995, Barry Schaede wrote:

> Anyone interested in a forward of a letter from John Popper that has already 
> appeared on the harp-l last May.  I  snagged it from the archives and 
> would be happy to post it if there is any interest in it.  More than a 
> little germane to lots of the recent discussions.  FJM
Post it! Post it!  I like more than a little germane!  (I'm sure I'll be 
as dazzled by his post as by my distaste for his performances--which in 
all honesty is surprising because I am a real fan of harmonica music.)  
	 Steve =#####= Harmonica Price!   > Take your hand out of my pocket
				       > I ain't got nothin' belong to you--

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