Bruce called?

greetings from singapore!
just want to add in some noise to the bandwidth
to show signs of life from singapore. sorry for
the long period of lurking. i was away from the 
country last november and december. my internship
started when i came back to singapore. life has been 
extremely busy. didn't find much time to read my harp-l
digest. anyway, i must find back some time to practice
my harp and get my reeds vibrating again! got to renew
my inspiration from and with you guys. 

during the period pf absence, i was actually at canada.
calgary, to be precise. found a piece of cd by a local
blues trio - triple threat. it's a blues and country style.
the harper really blew some mean stuffs. anyone heard of them?
all i know is that the harper's name is rusty reed (?).

-cheng ann

:::Tan Cheng Ann:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::Nanyang Technological University::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

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