Gordon's picture

    I was able to get ahold of the picture you posted on the HarmoniGopher.
The bad part is, my PC won't support 256 colors so it seems to default to 2.
Needless to say the picture has terrible resolution on my PC and you look
somewhat like Charles Manson, forehead cross and all. :-) If you don't know
who he is, that's probably for the better. Anyway I was wondering if it was
my jpg viewer. Would it be possible for you to send it either to me or the
HarmoniGopher in gif format?

Thanks in advance. I am really looking forward to "meeting" other harp-l'ers
this way. The only feedback I have gotten on my picture is, "Get a
haircut!", but I've heard that all my life so it's nothing new.

Tim Moody


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