Re: Little Walter's Keys

        From: Kim Hansen <khansen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
        Subject: Re: Little Walter's Keys
        > From: Rick Barker <rocket@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
        > My Babe is Bb and Mellow Down Easy is on a D. The others I don't remember
        > off the top of my head and don't know where my copies are at the moment.
        Thanks a lot for your quick and accurate reply.  That's what I figured.  
        My guitarist friend thought that those were both in D (the band), with 
        Walter playing cross harp to that.
I'll second Rick's call on this, and although I don't have "Boogie" here in
my minimalist Desert Island Survival Pak, I can add that "Ah'w Baby" is in G,
with LW playing C cross-harp.


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