DLS - Dry Lips Syndrome

Alrighty, here's the story:

I was driving home from work in my car last week, with my finely-tuned G
Golden Melody stuck in my mouth, playing the head to _Saresta_, when I kept
encountering this problem: my lips felt like I had just blown a big
bazooka-bubble and it popped across my face, sticking to my nose and beard.
 It really sucked!  No matter what I tried, I couldn't slide my mouth across
my harp and hit a note.  I live in sunny Southern California, and we get
these thingies here called "Santa Ana's", where the winds keep blowin' and
the humidity disappears.  This wonderful weather leads to a condition I've
begun to call DLS, or Dry Lips Syndrome.

How on earth do you keep this from happening?  Or make it go away after it
has already started?  I tried producing a lot of saliva, but all that did was
cause me to have to swallow quite often which really didn't help my already
poor breathing technique.  I've thought about using some sort of lip
moisturizer, but the thought having Blistex gummed up on my reeds didn't
appeal to me.  The next day, the problem seemed to have gone, and I was back
up to playing mediocre.  Do you guys who live in slightly more humid climates
have this problem also?  Or does *anyone* else out there have this problem,
or am I just weird?  Actually, I already know I'm weird, so you can skip that
question... ;-)

Second, I want to ask what the finally word was on the JT-30 vs. Blues
Blaster issue.  Is there just a capacitor wired across the element on BB's
that cause it to sound different and will removing this cap have the desired
effect?  What's the deal...

Red (Chris)

BTW, I noticed that I sign with the same signature as our list founder, Chris
Pierce, so I'm changing my sig to my blues nickname, Red (given to me by an
old H.S. music teacher out of my fondness for the blues pianist, Piano Red),
which will hopefully eliminate any confusion.

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