To Kim Field

Kim Field:

        Hey Kim.  I love your book.  Sorry we couldn't hook up in 

        Worcester.  I got an opportunity to play at Carnegie Hall
        with Delbert McClinton and then the whole deal collapsed, but
         I'd already cancelled the gig.  We actually tried to get
         reinstated, but it was too late.  I felt kind of silly not 

        having showed up after all was said and done.  Hopefully 

        we'll get back to your town soon.  Keep in touch and thanks 

        for sending me the tear-sheet from your most complimentary 

        article in Worcester Magazine.  I really appreciate it.
                                        Gary Primich

PS Sorry I admit I lost your email address. This is from Cathi Norton. She
sent it to me because of computer problems, to forward to you, but like I
embarassingly said, I lost your address.

Tim Moody

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