Re: Ultimo and Overblows

[I am posting the following message for my friend Wade Schuman and will 
forward all replies to him. --AE]


In my experience, no matter how much you mess with the gaps in the offset, you
still have one main problem:  you can sustain an overblow, but you don't get
those juicy overblow and overdraw bends.  Since a great advantage to overblows
are these descending bends, I find the Ultimo not the best instrument for this
purpose.  You _can_ get the bends, but not without extraneous noise.  Have you
been able to get the full bends without any aural disturbance?

     --Wade Schuman

PS: On reexamination of my Ultimos (I haven't played them in two years) I find
I am only partly correct.  The overblows bend fine, but the overdraws do emit
an unpleasant dogwhistle when one attempts to bend them.  Besides which, I find
the tone of the Ultimo a bit muffled.

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