Re: Free Copy of Newsletter
> Brett,
> I hope I have your mailing address. I got my Summer 94 issues back from
> printers and I am ready to send out the Spring and Summer 94 issues. I have
> a lot of addresses (not in front of me), so send me your address again to
> make sure I have it. Tks.
> Richard
I'm sort of new to this listserve thing. Is there any way to get
your personal e-mail address from the heading to the articles I receive
on harp-l? I hate to bother the harp-l people with this sort of "one on
one" correspondance. In case there's not, and you can't get my e-mail
address from the header, and you have a second to respond, and you
know the answer to my question, my e-mail address is:
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