Re: Obnoxious category / Honking patrons / Kevin's
> Tim Moody writes:
> >...don't fall into that
> >obnoxious harp player catagory by only having one or two harps and trying to
> >play "with songs".
Then Joe Terrasi wrote:
> Amen. Just to clarify, I meant that it can be helpful to practice to
> recorded music. Any of us who's ever been playng onstage and heard someone
> honking away elsewhere in the place will tell you how awful that is.
Well guys, being a beginner I have only one harp (for now). And to tell
you the truth, I may (due to current financial situation) only be purchasing
a few more harps in the cross harp keys that I primarily write in on guitar
until I can afford more. I hope that doen't make me fall into that "obnoxious"
player category because first of all I'm not even a "real" player yet, and
second of all I just can't afford to "start off" with twelve or more harps.
[Honking patrons]
Wow. I have never heard of people actually playing their harps in the crowd
along with the band, but BOY would that SUCK! :-( Man, I have enough
problems with sloppy-drunk patrons asking me a million times if I know this
song or that song, and then getting MAD if I don't know it or if I try to
politely brush them off. Man, I feel sorry for ANYONE who has had to go
through that. :-I That would be like someone bringing their guitar and amp
into a club that I was playing at... needless to say I tell them to stop
or have them thrown out! ;-)
[Kevin's Harps]
On a BTW note, just received the Kevin's Harps catalog and it is great!
And quite informative too! :-)
Later Harp people,
Craig S.
| Craig Smoot |
| Systems Analyst / Programmer / Musician |
| Gradkell Systems, Inc. - Huntsville, AL |
| (craig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) ...And NO, I'm not in the Army! ;-) |
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