One Lung Musicians

> In reference to Mr. Piazza having only one lung, I remember when 
> Arthur Godfrey (I hope I spelled his name correctly) had a lung 
> removed as a result of smoking too much (Camel cigarettes sponsored 
> his show).  It didn't seem to hurt his ulelele playing any, though.   
	Arthur Godfrey was a force in pop music and an arbiter of
public taste for many years and had several hit records himself,
including "She's Too Fat" and "Slap Her Down Agin', Paw", which are
indelibly etched in my mind, since I was an impressionable lad during
his hayday.  [The run-on sentence police are after me!]  He spawned
several other pop singers' careers, most notably that of Julius La
Rosa, whom he fired on the air.  Incidently, it was Chesterfield's
that claimed his lung.  I still miss him.

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