Introducing myself
Hello harpers,
I'd like to introduce myself after reading up on the archives for about two mon
ths. I have to admit, the day I discovered the harp-list, I started enjoying
"going to work" again. Now I have something to look out for when I walk to my j
My name is Steven De bruyn, I'm Belgian. I bought my first harp about five year
s ago, but only started playing seriously one year later, after seeing a superh
ot gig of Paul Lamb & the Kingsnakes. I play both diatonic and chromatic harmon
ica, the latter mainly in 3rd position. For the moment I play in three bands
just to have enough work/gigs. I also work part-time to be able to pay my rent.
The list is great | I never would have dreamed about anything like this. Five y
ears I have been learning to play almost solely by listening to records with ha
rp in them. It's very though to find any decent information overhere. You can i
magine how few hours I've been sleeping after receiving all the archives.
For those of you who subscribe to HIP, which I received only last week, I recen
tly met Lazy Lew Beckers of the Medford Slim Band. I talked to him about the li
st and he was very interested. Although it won't be possible for him to subscri
be, he seems to be very willing to contribute to the list through my E-mail-acc
ount. In my opinion he's one of our (Belgian) best diatonic players, so I hope
I can motivate him.
Before I quit my introduction, I'd like to ask one question. One month ago, I s
aw Rod Piazza & the Mighty Flyers at the Belgian R&B festival in Peer. One of t
he hottest shows I ever experienced. The whole band was playing with maximum en
ergy and on top of that Rod was playing real powerful harp. Now last week I hea
r from someone Rod's got only ONE LUNG left after he got shot a couple of years
ago. I couldn't believe my ears. Does anyone else on the list knows about this
accident ? Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
Bye for now, I'm off to wail my "bekschaaf",
Steven De bruyn,
Leuven, Belgium.
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