new harper/tongue blocking
Just a couple of brief replies to yesterday's posts:
to the new blues harpist Tanunda: Either a Marine Band or a Lee Oskar would be
a good choice. If you can afford it, get one in C and one in A. That way,
you'll cover the most common keys for blues tunes, and you can jump right into
the debate over which is better, wood or plastic. (Anyone prefer Lucite, by the
way?) Whatever you do, stay away from the Blues Harp. It's the only one of
the seven harp models I've bought that I've already managed to wear out.
Apparently, that's the trade-off you get with reeds that are easier to bend.
Also, the Lee Oskar model you're looking for is called a Major Diatonic
(it will say that on the bright orange label on the top of the box). If you're
rich, I can highly recommend the Lee Oskar Harmonic Minors, too-- great for
really interesting ethnic tunes, like Klezmer.
To Mr. Ely: I think your 8 points are correct, but the first one should be
more strongly worded (ie, 'You don't have to smash your mush to get a single
note or a double stop or octave'). I've had a heck of a time playing
multiple notes that aren't adjacent. I'm certain that part of the problem
is that I'm such an extreme tongue blocker, I almost swallow the harp (not
quite as extreme as the fellow--Winslow?--in the ads for HIP, but close).
I can play octaves from time to time, but only when I make a conscious
effort to go easy on the poor mouthorgan.
Now, a question of my own. Several people are familiar with Mr. Filisko's
great modified harps; I'd like to add one of them to my ensemble. No-one
has mentioned up to now what they cost. Are they pricier than, say, the
SBS's? (Considering the amount of work involved, I wouldn't be surprised if
they were.)
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