Re: J. Harman

Interesting.  A guy in town plays through a Brown Pro.  Also a single 15 
with virtually the same guts as the Vibroverb.  The only difference is 
the vibrato.  I'd have to agree with him about the Supers and Bassmen.  
Too strident for harmonica for me.  I did have a Twin Reverb that I now 
regret selling.  It was lousy to play out with but had great tone when 
miked and recorded.  It wasn't one of the classic Blackface 65's though.  
Silverface with the master volume and sleazy pullout distortion knob.  I 
believe it was a 72'.  I think Tim Moody plays through about the same 
vintage of Twin and likes it also.  Yes Tim, mine was heavily modified too.
On Tue, 2 Aug 1994, Steven D. Levine wrote:

> Harman plays through a Fender Vibroverb with one 15" speaker. He doesn't
> like Bassmans (Bassmen?) or twins or supers (he said "that's a guitar amp!")

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