Neil Young, Heart of Gold

Greetings --

Recently, in response to an article of mine on the USENET newsgroup, a couple of individuals expressed
interest in the harmonica bits I'd worked out for Neil Young's
"Heart of Gold."  Since I've already typed it in, I figure I might
as well send it to you folks on HARP-L, too, in case you're interested.

---- begin included text ----

Anyway, here is my approximation of the intro.  I really do think it's
a G harp being used, so using a C harmonica requires you to play "cross

I'll say something like (6) to indicate a draw (suck in) on hole 6,
or just 6 to indicate a blow on hole 6.  It's practically impossible
to indicate timing, so I hope you have the tape handy.  I've indicated
"......." to indicate notes that are held noticeably long, kind of
like musical "end of phrase" markers.

(3b) means play hole 3, draw, bent down one whole step.  If you can't
bend, don't worry about it.

Intro riff at beginning:

(3) (4)  4  (3)  4  (3)  3.........
(4)  6   5  (4)  5  (4) (3).........
 3   3   3   3  (3) (3) (3) (3) (4) (4) (4) (4)    played fast
 4  (3)  3...........

[back to guitar bit]

Second harmonica riff:

(3) (4)  4  (3)  4  (3)  3.........
 6  (7)  5  (4)  5  (4)  5  (4) (4)
 6   6  (4) (4) (3) (3)  3   3   3   3    play each group of 2 stacatto
(3b) 3  (3b)(3) (3).......

[back to guitar bit]

The final harmonica riff is similar to the first 2; you can probably
figure it out from here.  If you need help, just ask and I'll figure
the final riff out too.


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