Re: harp mailinglist

WHC2993@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Bill) asked:

        Do Bob Dylan and Neil Young play in 2nd position cross
        harp.  I assume so.

Some of Dylan's harp riffs are in third position.

People who try to learn harp in order to play
along with him can start out very confused!

        How about more information on tongue blocking.  Sometimes
        I use my tongue to stop the air flow altogether in a
        certain rythym, is this tongue blocking?

Tongue blocking is the term usually used to describe
blocking off some holes so you can play a single note.
I don't think our terminology is so rigid that you
can't extend the use of the phrase.  Whatever works.

    Chuck Karish        karish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Mindcraft, Inc.     (415) 323-9000 x117

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