Re: Re: Astatic JT30vc and NYC
> Norbert Brunhuber writes:
> ----------------some text deleted----------------------
> I have a Shaker mic with a XLR connection which when I plugged
> directly into the XLR on the PA, I would get loads of radio interference
> and humming.
> -----------------more stuff deleted---------------------
> What seems to have solved the problem (although it sounds overly
> complicated) is I put the lo->hi guitar jack into an effects box (a Boss
> Metalizer) which I leave off. From the effects box I have a guitar jack
> to a XLR cord which finally plugs into the PA board. This gives me
> plenty of volume and the humming/interference dissappeared. Can anyone
> explain this to me?
------------------my response------------------
I certainly may be wrong, but in my experience, getting a hum and or
picking up the radio is a sign of an open ground or lack of grounded
shielding in a mic cable. The effects box probably has a shielded ground
and is handling things. Check all of your cable connections at both ends
and make sure you have no broken connections.
|Richard A. Murphy u14663@xxxxxxxxxxxx |
|University of Illinois U14663@xxxxxxxxxxxxx |
| at Chicago |
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