Re: Magazines and such!

Here are some publications specifically for harp players.

American Harmonica Newsletter
2362 W. Territorial Road
Battle Creek, MI 49015-4956
(616) 962-2989
Monthly, $21/year
A tabloid format, mixed bag of information on all kinds of
harmonica styles.  I find it worth the subscription cost
for the one or two pieces of new info I get from it each

Mississippi Saxophone
22 Union Street
Brunswick, ME 04011
(207) 725-5839
Monthly, $12/year
A newsletter (8 pages) with interviews, equipment & record reviews,
technique tips.  Generally well written, with a sense of humor.  The
masthead reads "All the news worth knowin' about suckin' and blowin'
--a highly opinionated rag with occasional facts thrown in
randomly--...pandering shamelessly to the baser urges of Amplified

Harmonica Information Publication
203 14th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94118
Quarterly, $30/year
HIP is a new, and excellent, magazine.  The first issue was full of
useful articles about diatonic and chromatic playing.  The editor,
Winslow T. Yerxa (really), states his intention to bridge the gap
between different harp styles.  Issue 1 articles ranged from a basic
music theory lesson, to Chicago blues chromatic harp, to exercises
and relaxation techniques for harp players.  If following issues
live up to the same standards, HIP will be _the_ publication for the
harp player/musician.

I could mention that the AHN editor is Al Eichler.  Kevin Hagerty
edits and publishes Mississippi Sax.  Kevin also wrote a book
"Amplified Harmonica Playing...Made Possible" which I read and
recommend.  It's $10 including shipping from the same address.

Just for kicks, if you contact any of these folks, tell them
George Mayhew sent you, and tell them about the network.  We harp
players are a pretty small community, and it's nice to spread each
of our names around.


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