[Harp-L] Big River Follow up (winslow et al)

After doing decades of broadway-type shows in what used to be SMOG CITY, and is now just smog city, I have to agree that Winslow's suggestion is a very well-measured, and logical response to a conductor's  issues and "need to criticize" and the manner in which he/she delivered it. Typically thoughtful, and very Yerxa-esque.

That all makes sense. However, it's not all that fun.

I did one show (and yes my posts are always self-centered, sorry, I'm in therapy), ...for about a year, three or four different guys conducted us over that time. One of the guys, nameless only because I don't remember his name, kept trying to make the pit folk feel like they were just about to be fired, threatening auditions, mid-run...we'd been running for months when he took over.... it just wasn't right. 

The exit music, played while the audience is leaving and the ushers are checking to see if any older person had chosen an unfortunate time to Meet Their Maker, or perhaps were just napping and needed to be told to go home, had a huge FINAL CHORD at the end. 

For some dang reason, when that chord came, the huge downbeat was given, and nobody played the chord.

I can't imagine who instigated that affair, but it was fun. The look on his face was interesting, to say the least.

A new conductor took over and it was like night and day.... not the tune, the expression.

Conductors these days seem to appreciate the orchestras a lot more, and realize that, without the musicians, they are only guys dressed like penguins waving a stick.

to keep things in musical perspective, I never will say "I worked FOR.....(insert name)"..... I always say "I worked WITH...(insert name)"

> 1. The musical director is your boss.
> 2. Evaluate the criticism. Perhaps the content of it is valid, perhaps not. But try to separate the content from the manner of delivery.
jon kip

player of music, mostly written by dead people and played on a toy that everybody's Uncle except my nephew's has the good sense to keep safely out of sight in a drawer.

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