Re: [Harp-L] Cheap harps

I dont see that as serving to discourage, I would say playing nothing but
cheap harps would be discouraging enough, I was living up on the isle of
Iona a couple of years ago and had next to no cash coming in, I really
needed a new D harp and ate nothing but rice and potatoes for over a week
just to free up enough cash to get a decent harp, Maybe its just me but I
get no pleasure trying to play on a sub standard harp ( I need all the help
I can get !! ;-) ) I would also say starting youngsters off on cheap crappy
harps is wrong, they will probably lose interest pretty fast when they cant
get a note out of the 2 draw,cant hold a bend, ect ect . Much better they
have 1 decent harp than a set of cheap rubbish. I`m with Joe , I just dont
agree with going the cheap and nasty route. I`m not saying get all customs,
just special 20`s. Marine bands and harps in that price range


On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 5:53 PM, Timothy Kane <hawkeyekane@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> "I have never worked sales in a music store.  But when I taught guitar I
> told my students "spend as much money as you can, otherwise you will throw
> good money after bad." If you want to play music, invest in your dream.
> Obviously, don't waste money. But don't let it rule you. Isn't that the
> proverbial root of all evil?"
> That's one train of thought behind this. And in a perfect world, it'd be
> the way I'd go. But the facts are that times are tough, and sometimes
> sacrifices have to be made. I'd love to be able to drop the money on
> quality harps whenever I want/need them. But alas, I do what what I can
> do to keep playing, keep practicing, and keep my love of harp alive. I, for
> one, don't see any of that as a waste of money. But, for what it's worth, I
> do see remarks like "play on a corner with a sign around your neck", and
> remarks that pretty much amount to "what's the point of trying if you can't
> afford to invest in quality gear" only serve to discourage.
>                           Hawkeye Kane
> hawkeyekane@xxxxxxxxx
> Cell: (217)-741-7183

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