Re: [Harp-L] plastic comb vs wood ?

I agree that there's as much chance of getting everyone to agree on "what's best" in harp combs as there are tits on a boar hog.

And it's not just getting people to agree, as much as having "objective, definitive answers" that can be "written in stone". Not a chance.

But for some (especially newbies) it's the process that counts, for the sake of discovery, and if some wish to continue in this process, having come to the party late, so to speak, then far be it from me to forbid the discussion, though we may have heard it before.

There ARE those who weren't here for the other discussions, who may be benefitted.

I'm sure it takes no small amount of patience for you "OG's", who have already heard AND seen it all.

So either redefine the list as "for advanced players only", or relax, while some boring and repetitive sh** happens.

Robert the Strange

----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard Hunter" <turtlehill@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, June 09, 2013 4:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Harp-L] plastic comb vs wood ?

I imagine that few debates have a) lasted longer, b) resolved less, or c) carried less potential for meaningful change in the world than these debates over comb materials.

If by dint of some amazing advance in the science of audio sampling and interpretation, those responsible for this debate could finally document a verifiable difference in the sound of wood, plastic, metal, and/or volcanic rock combs, then what? Is it conceivable that the result of any test of comb materials would convince anyone on this list that they should only use harps with wood/plastic/metal/whatever combs from that point on?

One thing I know for sure: the comb material doesn't make enough difference in the tone for me to care about it. The impact is infinitesimal compared to, say, changing the microphone. If I'm not satisfied with my tone, swapping out the comb is going to be dead last or next to it on my list of stuff to change.

Thanks and regard, Richard Hunter

author, "Jazz Harp"
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