[Harp-L] John Mayall Headlines 2013 Greeley Blues Jam

Fri June 7 and Sat June 8.  
The Greeley Blues Jam will once again feature a whole raft of great  
harmonica players.  Harper, John Mayall, Ronnie Shellist, Nic Clark, Al  Chesis, 
AC Blue, Dan Treanor and others will strut their stuff.    Greeley is a one 
hour drive north from Denver CO.
Details at harmonicaplanet.com   Click on the GBJ tab at  the top of the 
Very family friendly, we've re-partnered with the Colorado Blues  Society's 
'Blues in the Schools' program on our Blues 101  Stage, where we provide 
hundreds of free  harmonicas + lessons to anyone who wishes to participate, 
including  one lesson from Harper this year.  There's a free crafts area  
where your kid can build his or her own cigar box guitar and other cool  stuff.
The GBJ is a true non-profit, nobody on our volunteer staff draws a  
salary.  Proceeds go to pay the artists and to keep it alive.   Thousands in beer 
tips have been given to local charities, come have a  cold one! 
The Friday downtown crawl is off the hook and is it is free.   There's an 
outdoor stage plus about 14 indoor venues all up  and down the street, it's 
the coolest thing north of Beale St.
The national artists play in Island Grove arena on Sat.  45,000 sq ft  of 
fresh sod is laid on the arena floor, bring a lawn chair or sit anywhere  in 
the shaded grandstands.  Lots of great food vendors, free  parking, and the 
arena has indoor plumbing!
Christopher Richards
Co Producer - Greeley Blues Jam  greeleybluesjam.com
Soul' Proprietor - Twin Tone Harmonica Microphones   harmonicaplanet.com 

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