Fwd: [Harp-L] Re S{PAH Numbers

> On Aug 24, 2012, at 10:43 AM, Tom Stryker <tstryker1@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> The same consistency goes for SPAH's membership numbers which actually
>> increased during the last six years.


Thank you for your willingness to volunteer your time to run the organization. Apropos of Tom Stryker's recent post on Harp-L which presents a sunny view of our membership numbers, I would like to see a clearer picture of SPAH's current state of affairs--both its finances, current membership numbers, plans to grow the organization and plans to develop membership benefits.

Where do we stand financially? Please provide a P&L statement to the members so we can understand how much we have and how it was spent. Also, did the convention net the organization a profit. If so, how much? 

I'm pretty sure 501(3)c organizations are required to provide this information upon request. But even if we're not required by law, sharing this information annually with the members will make us more informed about the organization and it will enable us to more closely follow SPAH's health from year to year.

The finances are easy. Our accounting software Quickbooks makes it very easy to generate a report outlining expenses and revenue by category and amount rather than looking at individual transactions. Likewise, perhaps you could provide an outline or executive summary of your plans for membership development and membership benefits?

Last but not least, what is the status of the conversion from the membership management system so graciously developed by Roger Bale, and the Timberlake based system?

Thank you for providing this information. I wish you well as you go forward. I know there is always so much to do and so few hands to do it. As always, I am willing to roll up my sleeves to help.

Bob Cohen
Writer, Internet Consultant, Teacher
w: bobjcohen.com
t: #itsabobworld

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